Lake Uihlein

Lake Uihlein is a stormwater retention pond which was formally a shell mining pit. It is an integral part of our irrigation system as it receives reclaimed water from Sarasota for irrigation of the residential, commercial and common areas of Lakewood Ranch.


Just thought I would jump in here and clear up any confusion regarding the boat ramp/dock.

The Boat Ramp/Dock is not closed. It is owned by the Country Club/Edgewater Village Association (CEVA) and has been available for use for many years. If anyone desires a key to the gate to the parking lot to put a boat in at the ramp area, there is an annual key fee and insurance requirements. You can call Town Hall at 907-0202 if you have any questions about obtaining a parking lot key. However, the ramp/dock is open and accessible from the Town Hall/Main Street parking lots as well.

The parking lot area was not accessible during a period of construction when a new pump for the Lake was being installed at that location. However, the ramp/dock remained open during this time. From time to time, there may be small repairs or regular maintenance activities that would cause it to be closed for a day or two, but not for any length of time.

Eva M. Rey, Executive Director
Lakewood Ranch Town Hall

May 5, 2015


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